Dropping paper on ballot box, depicting the role of political maturity | Photo by Element5 Digital
In a democratic government, citizens hold the political power. But how can we build and maintain a functioning democracy if we don’t hold the people up there accountable for their actions? Well, it all boils down to political maturity.
All of us go through stages of growth. We start with baby lessons and gradually work our way to more complex learning experiences. “From Small to Tall” by Christina Trezevant McGriff highlights this beautifully. It’s a calming audio self-help book consisting of poems that assist in the journey of growth from childhood to adulthood. Get a copy of the book, and it’s all yours to keep forever. It makes a useful tool for nurturing your kids or nephews and nieces.
What is democracy, and what is the role of political maturity in making it work?
Understanding Democracy: Made Simple
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Because it’s a government system that empowers individuals to be in control of the governing powers, democracy thrives on active and responsible citizen participation. This is why we, as citizens of a democratic government, are encouraged to vote, join civic affairs, hold politicians accountable, and participate in other democratic processes.
In a democratic society, we are given the right to THINK. The true essence of democracy requires all of us to make thoughtful and informed decisions for the common good, not for personal or partisan interests. Having the ability to critically analyze political issues, validate information, and join constructive discussions sets in motion the true role of political maturity in making democracy work effectively.
Core Elements of an Effective Democracy
What does effective democracy look like? It’s when those with political power effectively represent their constituents, a system of governance where the governing powers and the masses are fair and working toward common progress. Oh, how nice would it be to have an inclusive system where everyone can freely participate!
Are we really living in an effectively democratic system?
The role of political maturity is to help us understand that democracy is founded by inclusivity, transparency, accountability, and active participation. Observe your government. Can you see these traits? If not, maybe there’s a lack of maturity in politics among the citizens, among each of us.
When the Role of Political Maturity Is Obscured

It’s time we assess ourselves: are we really politically mature? Can you try to recall a situation where a neighbor voted for this electoral candidate because they were a family friend? Or, maybe you’ve seen somebody defending a politician from corruption issues reported across the internet for free, all because of blind devotion. Another “funny” situation is when people of the opposition organize riots and revolutions just because their candidate didn’t make it to the seat.
In this troubled political landscape, we make emotionally driven decisions over rational thinking. Let’s face it: we all have biases, and they often lead to impulsive choices that harm collective well-being in the end. Who will suffer? It’s us, after all. Making impulsive choices rooted in biases leaves out the broader interests where only a few are favored.
It’s good that we’re seeing active political engagement among people in a democratic system. But does it mean we’re politically mature enough? If it’s too easy for us to organize a political revolution, be swayed by political propaganda, or be bribed by vote buying, then democracy may still be standing on shaky ground.
What Can We Do?
The role of political maturity in effective democracy is in our hands. Each of us can contribute to an effectively democratic government. It’s time we adopt new practices and attitudes in order to embrace real democracy. Active participation in the democratic process is not enough when we let our biases rule. So, how can we become politically mature?
From now on, it’s time we make it a habit to fact-check. As much as possible, seek out diverse sources of information to get a better grasp of political issues. Read balanced perspectives and stay informed about local, national, and global events.
Most importantly, VOTE RESPONSIBLY
Conduct thorough research about candidates and public policies. Making informed political choices benefits public welfare. Imagine the degree of the harmful consequences brought by partisan biases. Long, overdue projects and recurring issues will continue if we remain blinded to our biases.
We must change our ways. We cannot expect a different result from doing the same thing.
After “Simultaneously I and II” and “From Small to Tall” by Christina, she will make more gems soon. Kindly stay tuned by following her on social media.
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